Remember back in April, when we planted one hundred seeds and sprouted ninety-six onions? Or May, when I painstakingly planted each one in what were supposed to be ten even rows? No? Well, I do. They were little babies then!

Those onions are starting to pop out of the soil now. When their shoulders appear above ground and the green stalk falls over, that means they are done growing (at least, that’s what I’ve been told). Here they are in the garden now, all fattened up.

We had our first harvest last week, though we only pulled fifteen or so. Now they have to cure a little–if you cut into them right away, they are pretty green and don’t slice very easily. We’re letting them dry out in a tray on the porch.

Do you see that one red onion peeking out? I don’t know what’s up with that guy–it’s the only red onion in our plot.

Here they are today, a lot drier, but still not quite ready for dinner.

I tasted one, though, and it was sweet and delicious. Hopefully the next bunch of onions will be a little bigger, even–these guys are still pretty small for yellow onions.

September 5, 2011

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