It’s been another busy few weeks around here, and we’re back on the road! Last week we left Washington, D.C., where we’d been staying over the holidays, and booked it to Cincinnati to visit one of my dearest friends. We spent a lovely day at her family’s farm in Kentucky, where they raise race horses, playing with the cutest barn cat you can imagine–and of course, some very sweet horses.

From there we motored through Memphis and on down to Louisiana. We spent a night camping at Fontainbleu State Park, just north of Lake Pontchartrain. The park was full of beautiful live oaks draped in spanish moss, and we wandered around the ruins of a 19th century sugar mill. Oh, and the very first thing I did when I arrived? I picked up a log of firewood, only to find it covered in fire ants. I’m some kind of magnet for bug bites, and three days later, the bites are finally subsiding.

After camping, we spent a day wandering around New Orleans, and then drove on to Austin, Texas, where we’re staying until we take off again tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don’t have a great way to post from the road, but hopefully I’ll have another update for you guys in a few days.
Those of you with iPhones, feel free to follow me on Instagram for frequent photo updates–my username is Sidonie_S. See you soon!

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