After we left New Orleans–two weeks ago already!–we headed into Texas. I had never been to Texas, and I’m ready to admit that I underestimated that massive place. We powered through a serious rainstorm in Houston, which has so far been our only bad weather on this trip (not counting an ice storm in Cincinnati, which was more fun than bad).

We spent two nights in Austin, wandering around, eating breakfast tacos and enjoying the sunshine. We had heard so much good stuff about Austin that we were actually prepared for a let-down. Nothing could be as amazing, we thought, as Austin has been hyped to be. But we liked it! It was winter, so the weather was beautiful (I can’t imagine bearing the summer heat, though). I adore mid-century houses and airstream trailers and cute diners and all that stuff that Austin has in spades. It was lovely.

After Austin, we had been planning to book it through West Texas. I’m not sure how West Texas got such a bad rap in my head, though, because it was absolutely beautiful and full of cute small towns and totally decent highway driving. I loved the utter lack of billboards in particular.

We had gotten a few tips about a little town called Marfa, where it seems a bunch of young artsy types have staked their claim. It’s home to the “mystery lights,” unidentified sparkling orbs that appear on the horizon sometimes (we didn’t see them), as well as several revamped cafes, art spaces, drive-in motels, and the like. We didn’t know what to expect, and when we stopped at Padre’s for dinner, we asked our bartender, “What’s going on here in Marfa?” He responded, “Stick around and see.”
We didn’t, but it’s easy to see why others have.
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