I’m having a great time with our new house, and hopefully you’re enjoying following along, but I’ve been a (small) city dweller most of my life, and I just wanted to take a second to express how great it was to live in downtown Port Townsend.

Ok ok, Port Townsend is a “city” with a population of 9000. So, y’know. Not a city.

But we were living right in the heart of it all–a five-minute walk from two movie theaters, two groceries, a farmers’ market, sailboats, bookstores, a gym, a dozen restaurants and bars and tons of little shops. The downsides were very few–lots of tourists and no parking for half the year, and I can’t think of much else. Sometimes passing motorcycles were loud?

It was really everything we could have wanted, except there was no yard and we couldn’t really make changes to our rental apartment. Now we’ve got as much yard and as many projects as we could ever want! But we’ll definitely miss living in downtown P.T.

I’m especially going to miss our sunny apartment.

In the winter, when trees were bare and our view unobstructed, we could watch the ferries come and go on the Puget Sound. In the summer, we could watch tourists massively fail at parallel parking. It was always an entertaining spot.

There were other rooms in the apartment, but the living room was the spot. So no photos of kitchen, bedroom, bath or deck, sorry, just some more wide-angle living room shots–


And one of our sweet little deck, which butted up against an ivy-covered cliff face. It was not unusual to have deer walking around on the cliff here:

Even though it still seems like we’re new to Washington state, Ben and I lived in this apartment longer than anywhere else we’ve lived together, and it was really home.

I’ll miss seeing this in the evenings for sure. And most of all I’ll miss our after-dinner walks around downtown, where we were always sure to run into someone we knew.

So, yeah. I adore our new spot, I really do. But I feel so super lucky that I got to spend a year and a half in this incredible spot.

(And, anyway, we’re still only 3.5 miles away.)

End of nostalgia trip.

August 5, 2013

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