The very observant reader might have noticed in yesterday’s kitchen update post that more than just cabinet paint has recently changed.

Nope, I’m not talking about the marble pastry board, which was a housewarming gift from Ben’s (generous!) aunt & uncle–

Though it is certainly lovely and note-worthy (this photo is from my birthday, last September–obviously I have been negligent in blogging).

No, I’m talking about rugs. Of course. I’m always talking about rugs. We moved the one that used to be in my office into the kitchen. It’s full of blues and oranges, so it fits right in. Here’s a reminder (because yesterday’s post is already so far away!)–

I’ve already acknowledged that I have a rug problem. While we were in India, I bought no fewer than three new rugs. Three! When we already have rugs we don’t have room for. Sigh. Anyway, one of them was just right for the office, so I thought I’d try this one out in the kitchen, and I think I really like it.

Meanwhile, the office is really coming together. It’s SO hard to take photos of this little  room, especially in the middle of a bright, sunny day, but I’ll do my best. Here’s the new rug in place. It’s a dhurrie, hand-woven in Kashmir–

In December, I found a perfect floor lamp at a thrift shop–actually, a pair of lamps; its twin is currently in the guest bedroom/craft room, which isn’t perfect, but works for now. Here’s the office lamp:

I love this spot for reading now. We got that practically brand-new recliner off Craigslist last fall, and my mom got me the Glacier National Park blanket from Pendleton for Christmas, and it’s wonderful.

Ben got me a couple of Pendleton blankets for Christmas, too, which makes me both very lucky & very warm. You can never have too many beautiful, cozy blankets. And Pendleton blankets are really the best.

There are still two other new rugs, for those of you keeping track, but I’ll save them for another day.

February 11, 2014


RUGS. It’s such a good, harmless problem to have! I love the one in the kitchen – makes the paint and orange counters look so cool, without being too matchy.

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